Turbo Streaming is going to work best with ActiveRecord Models. The Hacker News model uses Item
models, which can be stories, comments, jobs, polls, or poll options. In the first implementation, the Item
was modeled to be as generic as the API dispensed. This time, stories and jobs will continue to be modeled as Item
and comments will be extracted into its own model, Comment
. One wrinkle is that an item can appear in any of the lists, with its own order. Since of item could appear in any of the Top, New, Jobs, Ask, or Show lists at the same time, there will be an intermediate model holding the order associated with the Item.

Creating the Models
Create the Item
model, and then the TopItem
$ rails g model Item hn_id:bigint:index by:string hn_type:integer time:datetime text:text url:string host:string score:integer title:string descendants:integer
$ rails g model TopItem item:references location:integer:index
$ rails db:migrate
will include a populate
method that takes the JSON API response and plucks out the values it needs. Here is app/models/item.rb
class Item < ApplicationRecord
has_one :top_item
enum hn_type: [:story, :job]
def populate(json)
if json.nil?
self.hn_id = json['id'] if json['id']
self.hn_type = json['type'] if json['type']
self.by = json['by'] if json['by']
self.time = DateTime.strptime("#{json['time']}",'%s') if json['time']
self.text = json['text'] if json['text']
self.parent = json['parent'] if json['parent']
if json['url']
self.url = json['url']
host = URI.parse( json['url'] ).host
self.host = host.gsub("www.", "") unless host.nil?
self.score = json['score'] if json['score']
self.descendants = json['descendants'] if json['descendants']
self.title = json['title'] if json['title']
is simpler, and references the associated Item
object. Here is app/models/top_item.rb
class TopItem < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :item
Background API Processing
Loading the TopItems
will move to a background job. This will allow more visitors to see the content as it’s loaded into their pages asynchronously.
$ rails g job LoadTopItems
The LoadTopItemsJob
is going load the item ids and their order from the API, and then load each item individually. There isn’t anyway to get around the N+1 API calls, and placing all these API calls into a background job means the front end performance and interactivity feel fast. Leveraging Turbo streams, the content will load asynchronously. Here is app/jobs/load_top_items_job.rb
class LoadTopItemsJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default
def perform
top_stories_json = JSON.parse HTTP.get("https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/topstories.json?print=pretty").to_s
top_stories_json.each_with_index do |hn_story_id, top_news_location|
story_json = JSON.parse HTTP.get("https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/#{hn_story_id}.json?print=pretty").to_s
if story_json.nil?
item = Item.where(hn_id: hn_story_id).first_or_create
top_item = TopItem.where(location: top_news_location).first_or_create
top_item.item = item
rescue URI::InvalidURIError => error
logger.error error
You can call this job from rails console, or you can put it in db/seeds.rb
This will populate the data, giving the app something to load from the database.
Refactoring the Controllers
Since there are models in the database, TopsController
doesn’t need to go out to the API to fetch the items. It should now pull the top 30 items, which will be displayed on front page. Using the includes
directive will load the Item
associated with each TopItem
. For the time being, there will be a link to manually refresh the top item data. This can go under the create method. It calls the LoadTopItemsJob
class TopsController < ApplicationController
def show
@stories = TopItem.order(:location)
def create
The ItemsController
should also load the item from the database, rather than the API directly. It now becomes an ActiveRecord
class ItemsController < ApplicationController
def show
@item = Item.find_by_hn_id params[:id]
Updating the Views
The first, biggest change is creating a partial for Item
. It takes the previous JavaScript dictionary, and puts it in app/views/items/_item.rb
, with some tweaks for using an ActiveRecord model. There are some special cases in case the Item
is a job posting, not a story, which are designated via an enum.
<div class="border rounded-sm flex flex-col">
<header class="border flex justify-between">
<span class="rounded-full py-1 px-3 bg-red-600 text-white"><%= item.score %></span>
<p class="py-1 px-3">
<% "job" if item.job? %>
<%= item.host unless item.host.nil? %>
<article class="border flex flex-col">
<p class="py-1 px-3 flex-grow">
<% if item.url.nil? %>
<%= link_to item.title, item_path(item.hn_id) %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to item.title, item.url, { target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener' } %>
<% end %>
<p class="py-1 px-3">
<em><%= item.time.strftime('%c') %></em>
<% unless item.job? %>
<footer class="border flex justify-between">
<p class="py-1 px-3">
<%= link_to pluralize(item.descendants, 'comment'), item_path(item.hn_id) %>
<p class="py-1 px-3">
<a href="/user/<%= item.by %>"><%= item.by %></a>
<% end %>
This simplifies app/views/items/show.html.erb
. It renders the Item
<%= render @item %>
gets its own view too, app/views/top_items/_top_item.html.erb
. The div
wrapper will be used by Turbo
streams later.
<div id="<%= dom_id top_item %>">
<%= render top_item.item %>
The last refactor is app/views/tops/show.html.erb
. It removes the lazy loading for each item. Since the data loading for Item happens in the background, it queries the database, and gets the most recent records. It displays the TopItem
<div class=" w-3/4 mx-auto p-4">
<header class="bg-red-600 py-1 px-3 text-white flex">
<p class=" text-2xl flex-grow">Top Stories</p>
<%= link_to "Refresh", tops_path, method: :create, class: "pt-1" %>
<div class="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4">
<%= render @stories %>
Now the app is refactored into using a vanilla Rails setup, with ActiveRecord, ActiveJob, and the whole Model-View-Controller stack.
Putting on Turbo Streams
The app is interested in updates to a TopItem
, since a new item could be in its place, and each Item
can change as comments and the score change. The app will set up a connection, and listen over web sockets to the changes by adding the turbo_stream_from
directive. It will multiplex over ActionCable for each Item
and TopItem
, and replace the DOM that comes over the connection. The updates can be triggered after ActiveRecord actions by adding broadcasts
to the ActiveRecord model.
First, add broadcasts
in the models, app/models/items.rb
and app/models/top_items.rb
. Then in the Item
partial, app/views/items/_item.html.erb
, add turbo_stream_from
by replacing it under the opening div
<div class="border rounded-sm flex flex-col" id="<%= dom_id item %>">
<%= turbo_stream_from item %>
In app/views/top_items/_top_item.html.erb
, add it under the opening div
<div id="<%= dom_id top_item %>">
<%= turbo_stream_from top_item %>
Go back to the web app, click the “Refresh” link, and watch the page update in real time.
In the original HNPWA project, Stimulus was used to subscribe to updates for each item. Now that Turbo handles the subscriptions and updates, no extra JavaScript was required. On the backend side, in HNPWA, the updates that were sent to the front end needed to be explicitly sent over ActionCable. The Turbo Rails integration handles that seamlessly with a single ActiveRecord directive. That’s magic!
Subscribe for updates as this project takes shape. You can see all the code at Github: https://github.com/OnRailsBlog/hhnpwa
Other HOTWire Tutorials
- HOTWire HNPWA #1: Setting up for Top Stories
- Turbo Streaming Top Items – HOTWire HNPWA #2
- Paginating Top Items – HOTWire HNPWA #3
- Russian Doll Caching – Building HOTWire HNPWA #4
- Lazy Loading Lots of Comments HOTWire Tutorial #5
7 comments on “Turbo Streaming Top Items – HOTWire HNPWA #2”
[…] Turbo Streaming Top Items – HOTWire HNPWA #2 […]
[…] HOTWire HNPWA Tutorial #2: Turbo Streaming Top Items […]
[…] HOTWire HNPWA Tutorial #2: Turbo Streaming Top Items […]
There’s a typo in the refactoring of app/views/tops/show.html.erb: `top_path` should be `tops_path`
[…] Turbo Streaming Top Items – HOTWire HNPWA #2 […]
[…] Turbo Streaming Top Items – HOTWire HNPWA #2 […]