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Blogging On Rails

Everything on Rails!

Protecting ActiveStorage Uploads

ActiveStorage is a great addition to Rails. However, if need to protect uploads through a means more secure than the security by obscurity provided by the redirect service, you need to write your own controller. Setup a demo If you don’t have an existing app using Rails 6.1, you can follow these steps. Otherwise skipContinue reading “Protecting ActiveStorage Uploads”

Don’t accidentally walk away from your Active Storage Uploads with Stimulus.js

I’ve recently been using Active Storage, and it has a really neat feature called Direct Uploads. Active Storage asks your app for a URL for uploading each file, and then proceeds to upload the file directly to your storage service, without having to tax your app server’s processor. But if you’ve selected a lot ofContinue reading “Don’t accidentally walk away from your Active Storage Uploads with Stimulus.js”